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Grandpa Henry and Grandma Cornelia Jane  Evans (Stella's parents) Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Evans Homeplace of Marguerite Girotti_Novinger, MO Irene and Maggie Girotti Sandretto Irene Sandretto James, Jerry, Edward, and wife, Kathryn Ruddy Mattivi Jim, John, Joe and Maggie Girotti at Novinger Homeplace Jim, Maggie, and John Girotti Joe and Jim Girotti Joe Girotti and grandson, Dick Brocaille (Kelly)
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James, Jerry, Edward, and wife, Kathryn Ruddy Mattivi  [24 of 58]

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ExhibitPlus James, Jerry, Edward, and wife, Kathryn Ruddy Mattivi

Grandpa Henry and Grandma Cornelia Jane  Evans (Stella's parents) Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Evans Homeplace of Marguerite Girotti_Novinger, MO Irene and Maggie Girotti Sandretto Irene Sandretto James, Jerry, Edward, and wife, Kathryn Ruddy Mattivi Jim, John, Joe and Maggie Girotti at Novinger Homeplace Jim, Maggie, and John Girotti Joe and Jim Girotti Joe Girotti and grandson, Dick Brocaille (Kelly)
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